What Superheroes Have Taught Me

When I was very young, I watched a TV show called Super Friends. It was a pretty ridiculous cartoon about a group of superheroes saving the day from equally ridiculous super villains. You have the Wonder Twins, Firestorm, Wonder Woman, and the ever-so-campy Aquaman. But no one compared to my boy—Superman! I watched this show religiously, along with a steady diet of other superhero TV shows. My obsession continued for so long that my dad had conversations with me about needing to “leave childish things behind”.

Then, in my adult life, another superhero changed everything. In 2008, I saw Iron Man come to life on the big screen. Years later, I saw The Avengers, and my passion for superheroes could finally be on full display! I was a grown man who could stand toe-to-toe with the best of the nerds. I loved Marvel movies and re-watched all the classic TV shows that I’d loved as a kid. Still, no matter how much I invested in Marvel and all their heroes, I never found a superhero I loved more than Superman. Everyone around me knew me as “the Superman guy”. My personal style may have been influenced by the Clark Kent, himself. Don’t judge.

Many thought I was immature, or “too obsessed”. At times, my love for superheroes made for some awkward social interactions. But it was all worth it, because now I have the best excuse to be as nerdy as possible: I work at DC Comics!

Since starting at DC, I’ve had many people ask me, “What’s so great about superheroes?” These people are always surprised to hear how large the comic book industry is. They don’t understand how I could be so invested in these campy and ridiculous characters. How could I possibly love Superman that much? And that’s why I’m writing this article. I want to break down some of the life lessons I’ve learned from various superheroes.

Iron Man

Iron Man goes on a personal journey to understand that his actions have consequences. He learns to look outside of himself and determine if the impact he’s having on the world is something he can be proud of. He uses his god-given talent to work hard and ensures that his actions lead to a positive outcome for everyone, not for just himself.

What did I learn from Iron Man? Selflessness and loyalty provide more happiness than money and power.


Batman stands for justice. He’s driven by the sadness and anger he felt as a child. His mission: to ensure true justice is served to any and all enemies of goodness. He deals with the burden of his parents’ death by ensuring that something positive comes of it.

What did I learn from Batman? We can overcome trials by focusing on the good in the world.

Captain America

Need I say more? What don’t we learn from Cap? Captain America is a small kid that understands the value of sacrificing for the greater good. That “greater good” could be any number of things, depending on the circumstances. But no matter what, loyalty to a just cause brings positive change. Cap understands that his life comes second to the lives of the innocent around him.

What did I learn from Captain America? If you believe in something, fight for it.

Wonder Woman

Princess Diana is a royal warrior that refuses to believe that mankind is bad. She fights for the innocent that can’t fight for themselves. She knows who she is and doesn’t apologize for it. She knows what’s right and will not compromise. She is a soldier, a warrior, and a leader. She is a princess that fights on the battlefield for her people. She embodies every good instinct that’s inside each of us.

What did I learn from Wonder Woman? When you know who you are, your path will become clear.


Bruce Banner is an example of what everyone could become. There is something inside of each of us that wants to take over, every now and then. It’s that thing that boils to the surface when someone cuts you off or disagrees with you about something you care about. It genuinely doesn’t care about other people; it only cares about winning. More than anger, it’s an animal we feed with negativity and frustration, the part of us that most people hide or refuse to acknowledge. But Bruce Banner is the man that can control it! He fully accepts that side of him and isn’t afraid of it. Instead, he finds balance.

What did I learn from the Hulk? You can’t control what happens around you—you can only control how you react to it.


My boy! Clark! Mr. Kent! The ultimate symbol of hope.

Superman, for me, is the perfect example of everything I want to be in life. Yes, it would be cool to fly, but that’s not what I mean. I want to have an internal set of values that I never stray from. Clark Kent was raised right and taught what is right and what is wrong. He knows who he is and what the world needs of him. He knows the power he has and the influence he can have. He knows he could force people to change without breaking a sweat, but he doesn’t. The world doesn’t need that. Superman knows that lasting change doesn’t come from external forces; it comes from inside. He takes it upon himself to be a symbol of hope and truth that can inspire that internal change. He uses his talents and powers to keep evil at bay and stand for what is right, all the time, no matter what. He knows that if he dies in the name of truth, justice, and the American way, then the world will be a better place. He is willing to make that sacrifice. And through all of this, he loves and is loyal to one woman!

What did I learn from Superman? You are most powerful when you stand for what is right.


I could go on and talk about superheroes you might never hear of, but I think you get the idea. Superheroes are fun. They are campy, and they can be pretty silly. But for people like me, superheroes are examples of everything I want to be in life. They show me that I can be a hero. They show me the importance of truth, justice, loyalty, mercy, hope, strength, hard work, and so much more. Think about a superhero you are drawn towards. Why do you like them? What does that hero teach you?

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