We've talked about Pixar in the past, and we've talked specifically about Toy Story in the past, too. If you didn't know this already, we're...pretty obsessed with Pixar.
So this week, can you guess what we talked about?
The month-long drought is over! Toy Story 4 was WONDERFUL, and we had such a good time watching and talking about this movie we can't even tell you.
Actually, we CAN tell you, that's like the whole point of the podcast. So go listen to the episode and celebrate yet another Pixar hit, the fourth consecutive home run in this miracle of a franchise.
It should come as no surprise that we picked Toy Story for our OTS episode this week. It also shouldn't be surprising that we geeked out as hard as possible about it. Because this is the movie that started it all. Pixar made this movie, and this movie MADE Pixar.
However, we DID make a pretty sizable mistake in the recording of this episode. A friend of the show sent us the following incredibly generous message:
“I just started listening to your Toy Story episode and, obnoxious film student that I am, I wanted to chime in with a quick correction. Jordan lists Joel Coen of the Coen brothers as one of the many credited writers on the original Toy Story. Jordan, I hate to tell you this, but you have fallen prey to the third classic blunder — mistaking Joel Coen of the Coen brothers, with Joel COHEN (“Cohen-with-an-H”), writer of such smash hits as the live-action Garfield movie that nobody liked.
Don’t feel bad, Jordan. You are in good company. This is a common mistake, and it has been made by many — most notably, in fact, by Bill Murray, star of the live-action Garfield movie, who (and this is true) signed onto the film without reading the script because he saw the name of the writer on the cover page and thought “Anything written by Joel Coen is something I want to be a part of.” By the time he realized the error of his ways, it was too late, and he was contractually obligated to appear not only in Garfield, but in the sequel, too.
This sounds like a joke, but it’s not. Thankfully, your mistake has not cost you an embarrassing IMDb credit; however, it has also not netted you millions of dollars for a couple days in a voice-over booth. So whether it’s you or Bill Murray who is the real winner here is, I suppose, up for debate.
Keep on keeping on, and I will keep listening.”
Thank you, dear friend. You are a true champion of our cause.
Coming up next week...
We're gonna have ourselves a Danny Boyle time.
Join us on Monday, July 1st, for an Off the Shelf episode about Slumdog Millionaire.
And then on Friday, July 5th, we're going to dive deep into Yesterday. It would behoove all of us to listen to plenty of The Beetles beforehand.
I think we can all agree that numbered lists are amazing:
A new show!
The show's creator, Angela (another, cooler member of the Reel Contender team) is currently working on her PhD in microbiology. We were juuust about to kick her out for making us feel stupid with all of her actual science knowledge, but then she went and made this, and it's really great, and we didn't want her to take it somewhere else.
Basically, it's a dissection of the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Angela combines her scientific knowledge with her nerd-love for Netflix's wildly popular, '80s-inspired TV phenomenon, and entertains the hell out of all of us.
http://reelcontender.com/trope-huntersFrom now on, we will stay SPOILER-FREE for the first 15 minutes of each episode! That means you can feel free to listen up until the point where we say, "Stop listening!" (if you haven't seen the movie.)
We get that sometimes you'd prefer to defer to our incredibly wise counsel on whether or not you should bother to see some movies. So now we'll do our best to explain why you should (or should not) go see the movies we cover.We saved the saddest announcement for the end. Last week, we not only sent you a link that didn't actually get you to the right episode, Friday's episode was ALSO not available on Himalaya when we said it would be. We'll try real hard not to screw up like that again in the future.
The Society of Nerds & Critics
Yes, we mean Facebook and Instagram.
This week, Nerd Critic put this question out for discussion:
What actor has the most charisma on screen?
This not only reignited a long-standing argument between CJ and Jordan about Tom Cruise (which you'll have to go find for yourself), it also inspired this gem...
Now what are you waiting for?? Go click on them buttons!