164 - We're BACK!

After a long absence, Nerd Critic is rising from the ashes of our own making. That's a really dramatic way of saying our month-long break is over. No, the theaters haven't reopened, but we've got exciting new plans for the show. Want to know what they are? That's what listening is for. 

Episode contents:

- Discussing the discussion of banter

- The explanation of our break

- Updates about what's new in our lives (a lot can change in a month -- mostly for CJ)

- Our radical new plans for how Nerd Critic will become an ongoing conversation

- Polls! Here's a link to the first: nerdcriticpodcast.com

- A breakdown of what to expect from future episodes, and a promise to cut out the boring bits

- A totally unnecessary freakout about a problem that was fixed shortly after we finished recording

- CJ completely misses a FANTASTIC setup, then recovers...reasonably well

(A helpful reminder to listen at 2X speed. It's so much better that way. Trust us.)

Twitter: We're back, and we've got big plans. Want to know what they are? That's what listening is for.

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