JK Simmons is the Connection

Did we realize that when we were recording the episode on Whiplash? Of course not.

But there it is.

Anyway! It was a fun week. We got to cover two FANTASTIC movies, and we had our very first Nerd Critic guest ever.

Read on.

You knew we were going to dive deep into the latest Peter Parker adventure. You DIDN'T know we would be featuring our very first Nerd Critic guest!

After eight years of writing with the team behind Conan, and now as the associate editor at DC Universe, Dixon Gaines might be the funniest nerd and the nerdiest comedian you’ve ever met.

If you don't have as much fun listening to him as we did, then you're probably dead inside.

The best drumming movie ever (and there are a surprising number of drumming movies), the best JK Simmons performance ever, the most outrageous and challenging depiction of a teacher/student relationship ever. Forgive our hyperbole, but we LOVE THIS MOVIE. It’s hard to stay calm about it.

Coming up next week...

Join us on Monday, July 15th, for an Off the Shelf episode about Guardians of the Galaxy (both volumes).

And then on Friday, July 19th, we're going to dive deep into Stuber. Please send help.


Some boring old reminders:

  • The first episode of Trope Hunters is actually way more fun and better written than the third season of Stranger Things.

  • The first 15 minutes (ish) of every episode from now on will be spoiler free, and we'll always warn you before we start spoiling.

  • Himalaya is still pretty great, and we're still working on some pretty great things with it.

Social McSocial-face

This week, we threw this question out into the world:

What movie did you love, but will never watch again?

Some responses:

  • Saving Private Ryan

  • Schindler's List

  • Lincoln
    (apparently Spielberg is pretty good at making this kind of movie...)

  • Grave of the Fireflies

  • Atonement

  • A Star Is born

  • Perks of Being a Wallflower

  • 300

Conclusion: Some of you guys are really weird.

Cj Lindsey1 Comment