Dave Bautista is a Very Big Man


We are currently in the process of some fairly dramatic changes in how we host and distribute Nerd Critic episodes. This has created some problems. You may have noticed recent episodes appearing late, or not appearing at all. Rest assured the problem is temporary, and we are working hard to get fixed as soon as possible

We extend our deepest and most sincerest thanks for your patience with us while we learn how to be full-grown, professional adults.


This week, we covered a film that pretty much everyone loves, and a film that pretty much no one has seen. Dave Bautista is, physically, quite large in both of them.

Most of the time we cover BIG movies. Sometimes we cover movies that are embiggened by their quality. And then, sometimes, we do a deep dive into movies like Stuber.

Here's the thing: it's better than you'd expect. Not great, but not terrible. And for a buddy comedy, you could do a whole lot worse. PLUS: some surprisingly relevant and well-handled thematic aspirations. Come get Stuber with us.

This is one of the most beloved sub-franchises in the MCU, which is why we couldn't be more excited to get reeeeeaaal salty.

Don't worry, no hate, just a lot of strong opinions and some bold and incorrigible griping, underneath of which is that strong foundation of nerd love that keeps us grounded.

Coming up next week...

Join us on Monday, July 15th, for an Off the Shelf episode about the Chef, Jon Favreau.

And then on Friday, July 19th, we're going to dive deep into The Lion King.


This is all we have to say:

We're launching all the special Nerd Critic stuff next week.

That's right. Next week.

What's going down...

...in Nerd Critic town...

Remember that episode we did about Nerd Hate? Apparently it inspired some fresh passion this week.

Read the whole thing. And then feel free to jump in! We certainly did :)

Cj LindseyComment